Learn and master the most powerful self-applied technique for quickly eliminating anything stopping you, or holding you back, from being the best version of yourself, and moving forward and upward in your life!
Limited Time Offer: Secure Your Spot In The Upcoming TFT-Algo Certification Class - March 22nd, 2025 at 9am (U.S. Central)
I've gone through my fair share of pain: physical, mental, and definitely emotional...
A little over 10 years ago, a couple of weeks away from turning 27 (now you know how "old" I am haha)...
I was virtually dying of heartache, soaking my pillow with tears.
I tried every self-help mental technique, way of thinking, affirmation, meditation, etc. that I had learned over the years...
... and nothing made the pain go away, or even get any better.
Here I was, 26 years old, soon to be 27, and I had been dumped 3 times in my life... never having done the dumping myself!
I was dying to be in a loving relationship, and was currently trying with someone, but it just wasn't going my way.
"Of course it isn't," I thought to myself. "Nothing works out for me... I'm a college dropout, barely making a decent living, renting a room from my aunt, and I feel like a complete LOSER!!"
Not only did I feel stuck, I felt like I was going backwards, and all my self-development work wasn't improving anything, which really pissed me off!
"Why can't I get rid of this pain?!"
Then a light bulb went off...
I remembered this strange technique I heard about from these success audios I listened to, about 3 years prior.
I even used this technique on the pain I was suffering from my third and last breakup.
A friend of mine had learned a little bit about the technique and walked me through it while I focused on how bad I felt about the recent breakup.
Within minutes, the pain was gone!
I couldn't believe it!
Remembering how good I felt using this simple technique, and how quick it worked, I wiped my tears, jumped out of bed, and hopped onto my computer.
I searched the internet for the originators of this technique.
Once I found their website, I clicked everywhere, trying to find out how I could learn this technique for myself.
I didn't realize it then, but a part of me knew that this technique was the most powerful tool I could use to completely transform my world, and finally become the best version of myself!
I had to master this technique!
I needed to use this technique every time I felt bad, stuck, triggered, weak, confused, wanting to give up...
I found and immediately purchased their base level 8 hour home study course.
I consumed the audios and read every single word of the 98 page manual.
At some point within the training, I found the simple "algorithm" to use on my current situation...
... within minutes, I was pain free and smiling :) :) :)
It was at that moment that I knew what I had at my fingertips.
I knew what I could do with this powerful tool.
Suffice it to say, I have accomplished my fair share of wins since then: having loving relationships, multiple promotions, winning awards, earning dozens of certifications, getting and moving up in careers that require a college degree (without me having one), salary increases to over six figures, and much, much more...
But the real joy has been the internal wins: the traumas that I have completely released, the triggers I have permanently gotten rid of, the bad habits I have broken and replaced with good ones, the countless emotional turbulent moments I have gone through and easily overcome... all because I was able to quickly and easily apply this simple technique!
The unexpected bonus... some people over the years have asked me to help them with, and teach them, this technique.
Now remember, I first learned this technique because I wanted to get over the love pain that was breaking me down. I had no intention on becoming a practitioner, or a teacher of this technique.
But when people asked for help, I helped.
Over the last 10 years, I have spent over $10,000 and thousands of hours using, perfecting, mastering, helping others with, and teaching others this technique.
Just within the last handful of years, over 400 people (all by word of mouth and unsolicited referrals) have learned the basics of this technique from me, and to this day, I still get random emails filled with gratitude and appreciation; thanking me for how much this technique has helped them and changed their lives.
Many more have asked me for deeper training, including how they could be certified as well, but by me.
Feeling how powerful this technique is, and how much more good it can put into the world if just more people had it at their mental fingertips, I decided to get certified as an instructor with the founders of this incredible technique.
So now, I am offering a live virtual 1-day class.
I am excited to take this step.
I am excited to see people master this technique for themselves...
... and to start gaining the massive benefits that are just waiting to enter into their lives!
Click the button below to learn more, and join the class.
Do you ever feel bad, negative, angry, sad, hurt, depressed, guilty, embarrassed, ashamed, stressed, anxious, afraid, worried, stuck, etc.?
Do you ever catch yourself doing things that you know you shouldn't be doing and not doing things that you know you should be doing?
Do you ever have troubles concentrating, focusing, or finishing things?
Do you ever find yourself reliving the same traumatic or negative memories or experiences over and over again, wishing that they never happened?
Do you ever experience feeling or being out of alignment with your goals, dream, and desires?
Odds are, you've said YES to at least one of the above... if not all of them!
You are not alone.
Let me ask you one more question...
If you could overcome all of these and find yourself feeling great, light, happy, etc. within a matter of minutes, you would want to know how, right?
Once again, I'm sure you said YES!
You've probably felt like this is just life and there is nothing you can do about it.
Or you've tried this, that, and the other, and have either gotten no success or just some success, but not consistently, or to the level you wished.
You've probably felt like there was just some unseen forces holding you back, keeping you down, sabotaging you and your success.
The truth is... there are.
The great news is, they can be easily overcome and eliminated... for good!
You can, within a matter of minutes, overcome all of the negative experiences listed above, and you absolutely can feel better, feel really good, right now!
You can move forward, you can keep growing, you can keep expanding, you can accomplish your goals, dreams, and desire, by systematically eliminating everything that is holding you back and getting into perfect alignment!
There is a relatively simple solution, a simple, effective, and efficient technique to accomplish this... TFT!
Whether you've never heard of it, or you have, the key is in mastering this technique. In mastering the basics.
"If you want to be a master, you must master the basics!"
And the best way to master the basics of this technique starts with getting certified at the TFT-Algorithm level.
And the best way to do that is to enroll and take the 1-Day TFT-Algorithm Certification course!
It has been scientifically proven that everything, absolutely everything, is in fact just energy.
Your phone, your computer... is energy.
Your food, your drink... is energy.
Your house, your furniture... is energy.
You, your body, your brain... is energy.
Ready for this one?
Your feelings, thoughts, memories are... ALL ENERGY!
Again, this is not up for debate, this is scientific fact.
Everything, everything, everything is energy... all is just energy vibrating at different frequencies.
Everything is just different manifestations of the same one thing... energy.
Why is this important?
It is well known and understood that if you want to get rid of a problem, you have to find and get rid of the root cause of the problem.
And here is where TFT comes in...
The problems we are talking about here are your feelings, thoughts, and memories.
And as we just established, these are all just energy vibrating at different frequencies; they are just energy manifested into different forms and structures.
TFT, or Thought Field Therapy, is so effective and so efficient at eliminating negative emotions and experiences within a matter of minutes because...
TFT works at the energetic level, it goes to the root cause of the problem and eliminates it!
For some people, this may be hard to digest at first, but this technique has passed the test of time and the scrutiny of hundred of studies...
Not to mention the millions of people who have first hand experience of its success!
Consider this as well...
There have been dozens and dozens of spin-off techniques from TFT, with varying degrees of success.
TFT has proven to be, according to multiple studies, the most effective and efficient technique.
But that's not the thing to consider...
What's interesting is that these spin-off techniques, although not as effective and efficient as TFT, still do have success!
In order for that to be the case, the original has to work, and has to work really, really well.
Again, TFT has been successfully used by millions of people all around the world for more than 4 decades.
It has been adopted as the official technique to use in world governments, trauma relief programs, prisons, hospitals, schools, corporations, and much, much more.
If you're ready to learn more about this powerful technique and master it for yourself (and to help others) click the ENROLL TODAY button below.
Imagine having the power to eliminate any negative feeling, any negative emotion within a matter of minutes...
Picture having the ability to virtually erase any traumatic past events...
See yourself breaking through all your blockages, and getting into perfect alignment with your goals, dreams, and desires...
Envision yourself (if you so choose, and it calls to you) helping dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people achieve the above results...
This is the power and the abilities you will unlock when you take this class, get certified in TFT-Algo, and master the basics of TFT!
Not only will you learn more about the discovery, history, and success of TFT, you will, more importantly, learn...
The 5 Essentials to TFT Mastery:
Total Value: $997
Upon completion of this 1-Day Class, you will then be qualified to get Callahan TFT-Algo Certified (after successful completion of three case studies and passing the online exam).
With this certification, you will join the thousands of TFT Practitioners world wide who serve the world in the best way possible, helping others!
Total Value: Priceless!!!
Imagine how much time, money, and pain you are going to save yourself by mastering the basics of TFT.
And if you choose to put your certification to use as a TFT practitioner, imagine how much you can make helping others make a difference in their lives!
So, how much is the investment for the class?
The class investment will not be the thousands of dollars in value it's worth (just think of all the money you currently spend trying to overcome just a third of what this powerful technique can easily overcome)!
Nor will it be $997 (which is it's true current market value compared to what's being charged for other classes out there that don't even provide a tenth of this class' value)!
The investment for this 1-Day TFT-Algo Class is only $497!
Imagine, for only $497, everything you are getting, all the power you are unlocking within yourself, for the rest of your life!
How much money are you going to save?
How much time are you going to get back?
How much happier are you going to be?
All for only a small investment of $497 and one day.
Ready for some really, really great news?
For a limited time, we are offering this 1-Day TFT-Algo Certification Class for only... drumroll please!
$147 (70% OFF) !!!
A savings of $350* if you enroll today, just click the button, and get started!
* (This Offer Expires February 28th, 2025 at 11:59pm CST)
Don't delay, click ENROLL TODAY below.
When you enroll today in the 1-Day Virtual TFT-Algo Certification Class for only $497 $147 (expires 2/28/25), you also receive three bonuses with a total value of $591! Just click the ENROLL TODAY button below!
Not only will you be able to attend this training live and get all your questions answered, you will also get free unlimited access to the recording of this 1-Day Class. "Repetition is the mother of all learning."
Watch and rewatch the training whenever you'd like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! See what you missed the first time, or take your time on any given section, so that you can truly master this amazing technique.
But that's not all! By securing your spot today, you'll also gain access to Joanne Callahan's (co-developer of TFT, and current President of Callahan Techniques) online TFT-Algo Training, getting more insight and exposure!
What can I tell you? It's a surprise!
The time for action is now. Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers – enroll in the 1-Day Virtual TFT-Algorithm Certification Class today and unlock the potential that lies within you!
Next Class: March 22nd, 2025 at 9am (U.S. Central)
Class Investment Fee: $497 $147 (expires 2/28/25)
Brian Tracy said it best, "If you continue to do what you've always done, you'll continue to get what you've already got!... If you want things in your life to change, you're going to have to change things in your life!"
You have the power, the ability, to instantly change your life for the better. The power is literally at your fingertips.
Once you know how to do it, all you have to do is use it. "To know, and not to do, is not to know!"
But you can't use it, benefit from it, until you really know it. It all starts here. Master the basics of TFT. There is so much more you can achieve with this powerful technique, however, "You can only build as high up, as your foundation is deep!"
A: In this 1-Day TFT-Algorithm Class, you will learn The 5 Essentials for TFT Mastery! You learn how to put these 5 elements together to get rid of any and all negative emotions and blockages. This class will prepare you to become Callahan TFT-Algo Certified, allowing you to be an official practitioner of TFT and help others!
A: For anyone who wants to master TFT; anyone who wants to officially help others using TFT as a certified practitioner; anyone who wants to overcome their blockages; anyone who is looking to learn even more powerful TFT techniques at the higher levels.
A: Once you complete the class, you will be eligible to submit 3 case studies showing your complete understanding of the technique and how to affective apply it, and you will be able to take (and pass) the 40 question exam. Then you will receive your official Callahan TFT-Algo Certification from Joanne Callahan.
NOTE: a portion of this 1-Day Class fee will be sent to Callahan Techniques Ltd. as a certification fee.
A: You can request 100% of your money back within 30-days from the end of the class, guaranteed!
NOTE: not valid after the certification fee has been submitted to Callahan Techniques Ltd.
Tap Limitless is a division of Ubiquitous Panacea, Inc.